Stress Management, Well-being and Self-Care

Unraveling the Mysteries of Procrastination:  A Deep Dive into the Why

Unraveling the Mysteries of Procrastination: A Deep Dive into the Why

by James Porter November 30, 2023

In this two- part series on procrastination, in part 1 we will look at why people procrastinate and in part 2 we will look at the connection between stress and procrastination. I’ve struggled on and off with procrastination my entire life. I go through incredibly productive periods which are often followed by incredibly unproductive periods. So, this topic is near and dear to my heart. 


Procrastination, the bane of productivity, affects individuals from all walks of life. Despite the best intentions and a desire to accomplish tasks, many people find themselves succumbing to the allure of delay. Understanding why people procrastinate is crucial for devising effective strategies to overcome this common hurdle. In this article, we delve into the intricate web of reasons behind procrastination, exploring five key points that shed light on this pervasive behavior.

1.      Fear of Failure and Perfectionism:

One of the primary culprits behind procrastination is the fear of failure. Individuals who set unrealistically high standards for themselves often delay starting a task because they dread the possibility of falling short of their own expectations. Perfectionism can paralyze progress, as the fear of not achieving flawless results becomes a significant barrier to initiating work. Breaking this cycle requires a shift in mindset, emphasizing progress over perfection and acknowledging that imperfections are part of the learning process. Perfectionism has definitely been an issue for me and kept me from public speaking for years.

2.      Lack of Clear Goals and Prioritization:

Procrastination thrives in the absence of clear goals and prioritization. When individuals lack a well-defined roadmap for their tasks, they may struggle to determine where to start or what steps to take. This ambiguity can lead to a sense of overwhelm, prompting procrastination as a coping mechanism. Establishing SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound) goals and prioritizing tasks based on importance can provide the clarity needed to combat procrastination. This explains my on again off again battle with procrastination. When my goals are clearly defined, I’m super-productive but once I achieve them, I wallow around procrastinating, sometimes for weeks on end, waiting for the next goal to become clear. 

3.      Instant Gratification and Distractions:

In the digital age, a myriad of distractions is just a click away. The allure of social media, streaming services, and other instant gratifications can divert my attention from the task at hand. I see my mobile phone use now rising to the level of an addiction. (And so is just about everyone else’s.)

The brain's preference for immediate rewards over delayed gratification plays a significant role in procrastination. Overcoming this challenge involves cultivating discipline and creating a conducive work environment, such as turning off notifications on your phone and setting designated periods for focused work without distractions. This process can set the stage for single tasking which in study after study has been shown to be more efficient than multitasking.

4.      Time Mismanagement and Underestimation:

Procrastination often arises from a miscalculation of time required to complete a task. Individuals may underestimate the effort involved, leading them to delay the start until the last possible moment. Effective time management, including breaking tasks into smaller, manageable chunks and estimating realistic time frames, can mitigate this issue. Developing a habit of planning ahead and allocating sufficient time for each task can contribute to a more proactive approach. I’ve learned over the years to basically double the amount of time I think any task is going to take.

5.      Lack of Intrinsic Motivation:

Motivation, or the lack thereof, plays a pivotal role in procrastination. When individuals lack a genuine interest or intrinsic motivation for a task, they may struggle to find the drive to initiate and complete it. Cultivating a sense of purpose, finding personal connections to tasks, and celebrating small victories along the way can enhance intrinsic motivation, making it easier to overcome the procrastination trap. For me, doing good work, usually with some aspect of creativity to it, like writing this blog, is motivation enough. But writing proposals and price quotes and making sales calls, will put me into procrastination mode. In fact, I’m working on this blog INSTEAD of making sales calls.


Procrastination is a complex phenomenon rooted in various psychological and behavioral factors. By recognizing the fear of failure, addressing perfectionism, setting clear goals, managing time effectively, and fostering intrinsic motivation, you can take significant strides towards overcoming procrastination. Armed with this understanding, you can develop personalized strategies to enhance productivity and achieve your goals with greater ease. Remember, the journey to conquering procrastination begins with a single step – the decision to tackle tasks head-on, rather than succumbing to inertia, distraction, fear of failure and the allure of delay. Sometimes I get over a period of procrastination simply by promising myself to work on an onerous task for just 5 minutes. It's surprising to me how often this simple promise will break the dam of procrastination.

James Porter
James Porter
