They want to:
This (self-administered) assessment* is our best selling product ever and can be used: to create a 1-hour workshop1, to raise awareness2, as handout at health fairs3, to start an company-wide inititiative4, to give to every single employee in your company5, and as a promotional gift by rebranding it (white label) with your company logo6.
Surveys such as this one have been shown to lower stress simply by conducting them. Just asking about employee bottlenecks and stressors and identifying what they are puts you as an employer well above most other employers who don’t take the time to do this. And any employer who cares enough to find out what’s bugging it’s employees is probably also caring enough to do something about any problem that is uncovered. This kind of caring culture – which is implied by simply conducting such a survey - ultimately encourages creativity, communication, commitment to the company and high quality work. If that company sounds like your company, or the company you’d like to be, download this free survey and feel free to use it (or modify it as you see fit). If you’d like to distribute this survey electronically (assuring anonymity), or have a professional evaluate and analyze your results, discuss them with you and ultimately make recommendations please contact us at
See Survey: Feel free to download and use this in your organization.
When you are conducting a workshop and you want to teach people some experiential relaxation techniques like deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, visualization and mindfulness meditation, use biodots along with whatever it is that you are teaching. After the relaxation session has concluded, ask people to take a look at their biodot and see if it’s changed from black or brown to green or blue. When this happens you will have provided your participants powerful proof that they can indeed self-regulate their own nervous system. This is the goal of all relaxation techniques.
Biodots are used to raise awareness,1 as a meeting starter,2 as an inexpensive promotional gift,3 or during a seminar as described above,4 and white label branding.5
POPULAR GIVEAWAYS: All can be customized with your name, address, phone number and logo
Everything you see here can be customized with your name, address and logo. These popular handouts can be used for health fairs1, as promotional gifts2, meeting starters3, seminars4 educational gifts5, and (white label) branding6
POPULAR (32 page) WORKBOOKS help you build programs on:
You can build an entire stress management and/or resilience curriculum around any ONE of these three 32-page workbooks. What Glaxo Smith Kline did with THE STRESS MANAGEMENT JOURNAL is a perfect example: “We built a five week course around using this one product. One of the attendees had to be the most stressed-out person I've ever worked with. I didn't think he'd stick with the program but he did and he made some impressive changes involving his relationships with family members. He attributed it all to using the Journal.”1
These workbooks have been put up online, translated into multiple languages and made available to entire organizations worldwide,2 They’ve been purchased as a PDF and used as a handout for an online course,3 and they have been given out in kits (with several other of our products) to thousands of clients who have reported stress-related health issues (like high blood pressure) to their insurance carriers.4
Download any of these programs and you will instantly have a 50-60 minute presentation with a full transcript of your presentation, beautifully illustrated PowerPoint slides and a handout to share with your participants.
Each kit gives you four, hour-long modules that may be presented singly and/or in any order.
Everything you need to put on programs on Cognitive Restructuring, Stress Management, Wellness, Eating Right and Moving Well. These kits include training videos, handouts, PowerPoint and a full transcript of your presentation.
Do you have an online wellness provider that isn’t doing enough for your employees on the subject of stress? Or maybe you’re just looking to focus on a NEW WELLNESS topic that everyone cares about! Now you can provide access to these ROBUST stress management and resilience online resources for as little a few dollars per person PER YEAR! (And in large companies for even less). These products can be added to your website with single sign on capabilities, so your employees will feel like they never left. Or employees can access them directly on their mobile phones, tablets, laptops and desktops. Click here to learn more about the online Stress Profiler and MyStressTools.
One thing we hear over and over, when it comes to finding high quality incentives and rewards that actually have a positive impact on health, there isn’t much out there. Well check out our product line for all kinds of healthy incentives that people will really appreciate getting.
See: Free resources